Sustainable food solutions for fragile food communities

We can all make the difference.
We have chosen to make a difference. Join us in change.
It all begins with hearing a story…
And wanting to change the ending.
After you hear it for the first time, it keeps you awake at night.
The hurt in it stays with you.
After many nights, you think about solving the hurt in the story. You see a way to change the ending by helping your community, its health, and its food security. You know you can do something more. You can find and experience a future of generations empowered by better agriculture solutions. Maybe, the solution will finally carry your community from hunger to food security.
“Santa Barbara Agriculture & Farm Education Foundation Provides Food Security and Education to Locals in Need.”
November 16, 2023, Noozhawk
One of our greatest achievements is that in a short period of time, we have become the area’s (if not the United States) first closed-loop food system that grows and consumes food in the same county where we deliver with literally no emissions. We are working to raise awareness of the need to build out the non profit’s foundation to be an environmentally sensitive, regenerative, and experimental farm that continues to be a becon of hope- a farm growing without herbicides, pesticides and pushed synthetic fertilizers. We continue to feed from Carpinteria to Goleta’s most food insecure and solve the local food desert in Summerland- a town devoid of a grocery store.
We all deserve access to healthy food. Together, we can work towards feeding the world in a sustainable and ethical way, starting within our own communities.
Our mission is to educate, promote and increase awareness on how our food is grown, propagated and distributed to minors and underserved, unrecognized, and fragile populations, particularly in the food desert areas of Santa Barbara County. We donate food to those in need, supporting individuals and other charitable organizations with natural and organically farmed products. The Summerland Sweet Wheel Farm will be a place to preserve, protect, and enhance life and spirit through organic farming and green space.